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Thank you so much for this!

(1 edit)

oooh i love vn and this one is definitly  the best :>

Last comment 4 months ago


I need Artsy in my life ~


Can someone tell me how do I open the game? TuT

I'm very noob to this type of delivery, I have no idea how to get the good ending and the hidden one ;'(

i got the true ending first try

I liked it , ty for this game Artsy <3 !

I am kinda questioning the picture called "scene4" in the games files on Bad End, anyone know anything about that?

This is too sad and too short, but the artwork is superb and the general idea of the story is also good.

Thanks for this free game :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Putting the Art in Artsy, I see. I loved it, amazing job!!


The ending was ryl nice 100/10


you need to touch the fire in her chest at the end


i feel like im going insane with how many times i have retried im deff missing something

Yeah I just can't find the "good ending" as well


Is there an ending where neither of us dies? I've played it around 14 times and I just cant figure it out

It's very cute and very interesting




soooo cute



Thanks for checking out my first game! I had a lot of fun working on this with friends ♥ 

Yayy! I was so lookin forward to this 💕 let's gooo

hey could i please get an hint on how to save you in game

(1 edit)

i dont think you can i tried almost everything.

EDIT: nvm it is possible.

can you please tell me, because i feel like i have tried every option and i just can't get better that the neutral ending.

i keep getting the neutral endings to i just looked in the games files and saw photos of the good ending

(2 edits)

But did you find a way to enable the good ending ?

NEVERMIND, I found it !